Combining knowledge produced by faculty and researchers with the needs of society. That is the PUCPRESS publications purpose. As the PUCPR publisher since 1983, when it was known as Editora Champagnat, PUCPRESS publications contribute to the development of fundamental skills for a complex and constantly changing world. Our publications, aligned with the Marist Group values, reflect the excellence and innovation of editorial processes. The content tackles several areas of knowledge – with special attention to PUCPR strategic areas – and is available in both digital and printed versions, as well as in scientific journals of national and international academic institutions, organizations and events.

Well-regarded professionals at PUCPRESS serve as consultants to its authors, advising in all stages of editorial process: from publication planning – evaluation, editorial design – to contents’ distribution.

Our publisher Editorial Board is composed by Ph.D. professors representing all PUCPR Schools, and national and international ad hoc reviewers who evaluate manuscripts from different areas of knowledge.

PUCPRESS manages all scientific journals of our university. Such initiative provides easy and open access to high-level publications, organized with the most relevant national and international indexers.


  • Revista de Filosofia Aurora

    The Revista de Filosofia of PUCPR presents itself as a channel for publishing high quality research in philosophy, which is open to the local philosophical community, to the country, and to the world.
  • Caderno Teológico da PUCPR


    Created in 2013 with the objective to publicize PUCPR Theology Undergraduate final papers, Caderno Teológico published three volumes on this format (click here to view them). In 2018, the journal was integrated by the Graduate Program in Theology with an expanded scope and restarted its editorial activities in 2019. Nowadays, Caderno Teológico is a semesterly publication related to Theology and Sciences of Religions Undergraduate courses, and to the Graduate Program in Theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR), ISSN 2318-8065.

    Caderno Teológico mission is to publicize scientific researches that may contribute to advance the studies in the area of Sciences of Religions and Theology, as well as their interfaces. The journal assumes the plurality of theoretical works developed by doctors and non-doctors, with special attention to students’ production. We value critical, up to date, dialogical, and interdisciplinary works. The journal publishes articles, book reviews, monograph and dissertations abstracts in the area of Sciences of Religions and Theology (especially from PUCPR). The works will be submitted to double blind peer review by the journal editorial commission and ad hoc reviewers. The selection of works will consider originality, relevance, and methodological and scientific quality. Adequacy to ABNT norms is also evaluated. The content and accuracy of citations are of authors’ entire responsibility.

  • Fisioterapia em Movimento (Physical Therapy in Movement)

    Created in 1989 and available online since 2013, the journal Fisioterapia em Movimento adopted the continuous publication modality in 2018, publishing articles in a single yearly volume. 

    Journal of the School of Medicine and Life Sciences, at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR), it uses single blind peer review and accepts manuscripts resulting from studies developed in the areas of physical therapy and health.

    Studies should be original and should not have already been published elsewhere in the peer-reviewed literature. Manuscripts that have been deposited in preprint and institutional repositories are accepted.

    Fisioterapia em Movimento journal is indexed in AURA, bvs, DOAJ, EZB, Google Scholar, Latindex, Periódicos, REDIB, ROAD, SciELO, Scopus, Sumários, among others.

  • Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana

    The main page of the URBE Magazine is this Scielo link, where all the submissions occur.

    We recommend that this page be accessed only in an advisory fashion, for viewing previous editions of the journal.

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    The magazine Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana (Urban Brazilian Journal of Urban Management) has as its mission to create a discussion forum for the various subjects and points of view related to urban issues in general, and to urban management in specific. This is a quarterly publication in four languages (Portuguese, Spanish, English and French) of the Postgraduate Program in Urban Management (PPGTU, Master's and Ph.D.) which aims to disseminate scientifically original theoretical and empirical studies on a myriad of issues that affect the conditions of city organization regions in developed and developing countries.

  • Pistis Praxis

    The journal Pistis & Praxis - Theology and Pastoral is a publication of the Postgraduate Program in Theology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. It is a journal linked to the Brazilian Marist Union (UMBRASIL) and publishes original and unpublished works that contribute to the development of Theology with an emphasis on Pastoral, addressing emerging themes capable of provoking the exchange of information as well as the debate of questions in this field of knowledge
  • Revista Diálogo Educacional

    Revista Diálogo Educacional, created in 2000, is a four-monthly publication of original scientific articles, revisions, and reviews dedicated to the field of Education, with a focus on the education of teachers and the development of the Brazilian educational thinking, targeted to researchers in similar fields. It is linked to the Post-Graduation Program in Education of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná.
  • Revista Acadêmica Ciência Animal

    Revista Acadêmica Ciência Animal is a publication of the School of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. During the years of 2003 to 2011, the journal publicized researches in three different fields of Science: Animal, Agricultural and Environmental. In the beginning of 2012, the editorial scope was delimited only to the Animal Science, since the magazine had its administrative management conducted by the Graduate Program in Animal Science.

    Open Access, no APC (free charges for authors), and double-blind peer review. 

    Previous ISSN: 0103-989X and 1981-4178 


    Year-round open submissions.

    The publication modalities are distributed in article, short communication, technical note, case report and review. Please check Author Guidelines for more information.

    To access the previous editions, click here.

  • Revista de Direito Econômico e Socioambiental

    The Journal of Economic and Socio-Environmental Law, founded in 2010, is a four-monthly scientific journal, promoted by the Post-Graduate Program in Law of PUCPR – PPGD (Master of Laws and Doctorate in Law Programs - Its main scope is the publication and dissemination of law articles, both from national and foreign scholars, on topics related to the research areas of PPGD-PUCPR, and to reach scholars, professors and law students from different countries interested in Economic and Social-Environmental Law, by publishing articles in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French.

    The journal’s editorial line follows the Concentration Areas and respective lines of research of the Post-Graduate Program in Law of PUCPR: 1. Economic Law and Development: 1.1. State, Economy and Development; 1.2. Social Rights, Development and Globalization; 2. Socio-Environmental Law and Sustainability: 2.1. State, Societies and Environment; 2.2. Justice, Democracy and Human Rights.

    Currently, it is classified as Qualis A1 in the area of Law of CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazilian Ministry of Education).

  • Psicologia Argumento

    Revista Psicologia Argumento is a quarterly publication by the Graduation Course in Psychology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil. Since 1982, it has been disclosing articles focused on the development of human beings and its psychological and psychosocial aspects.


    REBRAE is a quarterly publication of PUCPR. It began in the year 2008 with the aim of disseminating original research works aimed at the Administration area - focusing on Strategy, directed to researchers, students, teachers and professionals in related areas.
  • Revista de Estudos da Comunicação

    Revista de Estudos da Comunicação is a four-monthly publication by the PUCPR Social Communication Course. Since 2000, it has been providing readers with a combination of ideas and actions in the field of communication, fostering the understanding of the social reality and science research.
  • Círculo de Estudos Bandeirantes

    O Círculo de Estudos Bandeirantes (CEB) foi criado em 1929 com a finalidade de incentivar o estudo, a pesquisa e a divulgação da cultura nacional e paranaense. Logo atingiu seu objetivo e tornou-se uma importante referência intelectual e cultural. Anos após sua fundação, o CEB contribuiu para formar as duas mais importantes Universidades do Estado: a Federal e a Católica. A Federal recebeu dos Irmãos Maristas a Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras do Paraná, criada pelos bandeirantes do CEB, o que faltava para constituir-se, em 1950, na UFPR, a primeira Universidade do Paraná. A Católica teve a nova Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Curitiba, fundada na sequência, na sua origem, em 1959. O CEB, além de oferecer palestras, encontros, grupos de estudos, cursos e apresentações culturais mantém a Revista do Círculo de Estudos Bandeirantes, cujo primeiro número foi publicado em 1937.
  • Revista Estudos de Biologia

    Revista Estudos de Biologia: Ambiente e Diversidade is a biannual bilingual publication (Portuguese and English), by the Biological Sciences graduation course of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. Since 1978, it has been disclosing unpublished researches and articles in the several fields of biological sciences.
  • Archives of Oral Research

    Archives of Oral Research, the former Revista de Clínica e Pesquisa Odontológica, is an open-access and peer review (blind review) scientific periodical published on a four-monthly basis in printed format and online by the Post-Graduation Program in Dentistry of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR).