About the Journal

Created in 1989 and available online since 2013, the journal Fisioterapia em Movimento adopted the continuous publication modality in 2018, publishing articles in a single yearly volume. 

Journal of the School of Medicine and Life Sciences, at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR), it uses single blind peer review and accepts manuscripts resulting from studies developed in the areas of physical therapy and health.

Studies should be original and should not have already been published elsewhere in the peer-reviewed literature. Manuscripts that have been deposited in preprint and institutional repositories are accepted.

Fisioterapia em Movimento journal is indexed in AURA, bvs, DOAJ, EZB, Google Scholar, Latindex, Periódicos, REDIB, ROAD, SciELO, Scopus, Sumários, among others.

Current Issue

Vol. 38 (2025): n. cont.

January - December

Published: 2025-03-11

Original Article

Review Article

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