Education, democracy and modernity in the movement of the pioneers of New Education (Brazil, 1932/1959)




The article explains the ideal of democracy and modernity in the Manifestos of the Pioneers of New Education (1932 and 1959). The two manifestos are conceived as places of memory where two historical moments of the struggle for public education and the defense of liberal democracy in Brazil, in the period from 1930 to 1960, are crystallized. In the Manifestos, the "progressive educators" present a crisis diagnosis of the situation of traditional education and propose a reform that could direct and qualify Brazil's economic and social development towards the world of "modern civilization". The study follows the paths of the history of education, using the methodological procedures of the historical method, bibliographical and documentary research, from a decolonial perspective. The text as a whole discusses modernity as the siren song that seduced educators engaged in the project of a democratic Brazil; it explains the historical context and the horizon of modernity in the thinking and manifestos of the pioneers of Educação Nova. Finally, it highlights the importance of the pioneer movement in defending democracy and public and secular schools for the entire Brazilian population. But it also shows the extent to which the "progressive educators" were seduced by the universalist song of Western modernity.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Renato Carola, Universidade do Extremo sul Catarinense (UNESC)

Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC). Graduado em Pedagogia pela UNESC (1990); Especialização em História pela UNESC; Mestre em História pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC/1997); Doutor em História pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP/2004); e pós-doutorado pela Facultat de Magisteri de Universitat València (Espanha, 2016). 

Mário Henrique Leite Souza, Universidade do Extremo sul Catarinense (UNESC)

Master in Education from the University of the Far South of Santa Catarina - UNESC (2022), Specialization in Sports Training from the University of the Far South of Santa Catarina - UNESC (2008), Graduate in Physical Education from the University of the Far South of Santa Catarina - UNESC (2002). Teaching in Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education Teaching in Higher Education, in the subjects of Volleyball and Recreation and Leisure (University of Vale do Araranguá-SC); Teaching in Distance Higher Education at UNIASSELVI (Physical Education Course); Technical Assistant of the Santa Catarina Men's Volleyball Team (2013 to 2015); National Coach Level 2, 3 and 4 by the Brazilian Volleyball Confederation – CBV; Volleyball coach from the city of Braço do Norte/SC.



How to Cite

Carola, C. R., & Souza, M. H. L. (2024). Education, democracy and modernity in the movement of the pioneers of New Education (Brazil, 1932/1959). Revista Diálogo Educacional, 24(83).