migração venezuelana, exclusão e resistência


  • Camila Lucena Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)



Considering recent Venezuelan migrations in Brazil, this work aims to analyze how the schooling of Venezuelan migrants/refugees is carried out in the municipality of Igarassu, in the state of Pernambuco. Thus, I seek to think about the subjectivation processes of the Venezuelan student subject, in the context of school reception. To do this, I start from some initial observations I made in the classroom, recorded in a field diary, in order to observe the speech of the Venezuelan migrant/refugee student, with texts and drawings by students created in a workshop proposed for children and teenagers. As a theoretical contribution, I start from Discourse Analysis of a materialist line with some works that have been developing theoretical and methodological advances for working with the image as an analytical object. The image appears to be a challenge at first glance, perhaps due to the lack of verbal language or the need for a more visual gesture of interpretation, recovering meanings in the details, in the silences of the image, in the implicit aspects, as it is possible to recover all of this also with the text. non-verbal. Therefore, I aimed to look for discursive functionings in the images and analyze them based on visual paraphrases, that is, to develop their meanings based on other discourses that materialize in discursive horizontality, starting from the intra to the interdiscourse. As a result, the discursive sequences of the speech of migrants/refugees, Venezuelan students, show difficulties faced by students, such as the lack of preparation of the pedagogical team and the pressure to speak only Portuguese. However, students also show discursive practices of resistance, using their language and culture to assert themselves as subjects.


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Author Biography

Camila Lucena, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)

Doutora em Letras.


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How to Cite

Lucena, C. (2024). The VENEZUELAN SCHOOLING IN IGARASSU/PERNAMBUCO: VENEZUELAN MIGRATION, EXCLUSION AND RESISTANCE: migração venezuelana, exclusão e resistência. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 24(81).