Desafios para a educação num campo de refugiados

uma imersão exploratória


  • Marco Braga Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET/RJ)



Based on exploratory research in the Dzaleka refugee camp (Malawi), we sought to analyze the challenges faced by refugee education implemented both by humanitarian organizations and by actions organized by the refugees themselves. The first challenge faced is in preschool and elementary school. Despite the efforts being made, there is a vacuum in basic education services at Dzaleka, with many children still not receiving assistance. The system has a gap between the education that has been implemented by humanitarian organizations and those organized by the refugees themselves. In addition to basic education, there is still the challenge of higher education, which is being carried out through international digital platforms with free professional training courses and few undergraduate courses. The third and final challenge is the integration of refugees into the region's economy, which is still vetoed by the local government. Most of the problems faced in Dzaleka are identical to the different camps supported by UNHCR around the world. Education in humanitarian contexts in the world's refugee camps requires innovative solutions so that there is a future for millions of children and young people.


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Author Biography

Marco Braga, Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET/RJ)

Doutor em Engenharia.


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How to Cite

Braga, M. (2024). Desafios para a educação num campo de refugiados: uma imersão exploratória. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 24(81).