Navigating is imprecise

incorporating the complexity paradigm in teacher training




We aim to explore in this article the main implications of the complexity paradigm in teacher education. The article is divided into five parts. In the first, we provide a general introduction to the complexity paradigm with classic references on the subject such as Fritjof Capra and Ludwig von Bertalanffy. Then, we begin to extract some of its main consequences. In the second section, we seek to demonstrate that according to the complexity paradigm, there is no possibility of continuing to work with the modern conception of the "subject" as an essentially rational, conscious and free substance. Without the figure of the subject, it becomes necessary to rethink the very meaning of "knowledge," which we propose in section three with the help of biologists Maturana and Varela. Next, we indicate that the complexity paradigm destroys the boundary between nature and artifice and explore the possibilities of this indistinction with Donna Haraway's Cyborg Manifesto and MD Magno's Psychoanalysis - a thinker who incorporates the complexity paradigm in psychoanalysis. We conclude our investigations with the proposal of an ethics of regency beyond repression and freedom. In our final considerations, we discuss the theory of Chaos, whose mathematics have become fundamental for describing complex systems, and we try to indicate what, in our view, would be the main contribution of the complexity paradigm in teacher education.


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Author Biography

Diogo Bogéa, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)

Professor Adjunto de Filosofia e Psicanálise na Faculdade de Educação da UERJ. Doutor e Mestre em Filosofia pela PUC-Rio. Pós-graduado em Psicanálise pela Cândido Mendes (RJ). Graduado em História pela UERJ-FFP.


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How to Cite

Bogéa, D. (2023). Navigating is imprecise: incorporating the complexity paradigm in teacher training. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 23(78), 1043–1058.