Pedagogy of hypermobility:

formation, movement, connections, and communities integrated




This scientific article presents the findings of doctoral research in Education, which aimed to explore the creation of pedagogical practices in the city-school-cyberspace relationship by teachers undergoing research-training in cyberculture, enabling the development of a pedagogy of hypermobility. The goal was to enable the development of a hypermobility pedagogy. The research was conducted with professors in continuing education who work in the Metropolitan Region of
Rio de Janeiro, within the courses offered by the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro. The methodology employed was
research-training in cyberculture, which combines teaching practice with research, and involves investigating the research construct and knowledge sharing with plural practitioners. Two research devices on hypermobility were developed during the field experience, to reflect on different research and training contexts, leading to the proposal of a concept
of hypermobility pedagogy. Through the investigation, seven subsuming notions emerged: problematizing existence that changes the world; interactive, inventive, and experiential education; education-world; education on the go; connected education; personalized and contextualized education; and hope for a new world. These concepts shed light on the pedagogical practices that teachers and researchers need to consider for a hypermobility pedagogy, allowing for moving experiences that are connected and related to their communities.


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Author Biography

Vivian Martins, Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Vivian Martins has a PdD in Education from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Brazil. She received both a BA in Pedagogy and a MA in Education from the State University of Rio de Janeiro, and in 2011 she completed her MBA in Human Resource Management from the Federal Fluminense University. She specializes in planning, implementation and management of distance education. She is currently a professor of Distance Education and Educational Technologies of the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ). At IFRJ she is a member of the Territory, Culture and Identity research group and the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Culture, Identity and Diversity. She is a member of the Teaching and Cyberculture research group at UFRRJ. Her areas of professional expertise are online education, education & cyberculture, and educational technologies. She has been working with these areas for the past ten years. Research Interests: Online education, Mobile learning, Educational technologies, Pedagogy and pedagogical practices, Educational research, and Education & Cyberculture. Website: E-mail: [email protected]


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How to Cite

Martins, V. (2023). Pedagogy of hypermobility: : formation, movement, connections, and communities integrated. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 23(77), 793–808.