Articulated experience between Design and Education in the Experimental Design Laboratory on wheels in Cruzeiro/SP
The paper examines the educational quality of an extension Project in order to develop emancipatory training actions for students based on the methodology of design thinking and developed in formal and non-formal education contexts, considering UNESCO's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets and open schooling. Its activities are based on the challenge of creating innovative ideas for local problems in regions with contexts of technological, educational, social, cultural and economic inequalities, which include learners, experts and community. In the first edition of Experimental Design Laboratory (in Portuguese Laboratório Experimental de Design – LEDE), a total of 100 high school, vocational and technological students from the city of Cruzeiro - SP participated in face to face workshops, while 10 students from the Technology in Educational Design undergraduate course of Unifesp concomitantly participated in the proposal inserted in a discipline of their course. The analysis of this report is qualitative in nature and developed through action research. The observations presented in this document highlight that the methodology of design thinking applied in a context of challenge for local problem’s creation of solutions, as well as the complementary educational actions in the metaverses, in environments prepared for action (design laboratory/SpatialChat) with integration between groups formed by different origins, spaces and technological means, brought positive impacts by demonstrating the capacity of the groups to develop solutions, deal with diversity of thought and value otherness in the learning process. he article, based on the analysis of the manifestation of this educational approach in the students, proposes recommendations to higher education teacher-researchers and socio-cultural and educational agents locally impacted by the project for the use of the methodology of design thinking in the scope of emancipatory education supported by Open Schooling.
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