
  • Magaly Quintana Pouzo Minatel Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, PR
  • Sandra Mara Castro dos Santos Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, PR
  • Sandra Regina Kirchner Guimarães Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, PR



This study aimed to analyze the teacher evaluation proposal included in the National Pact for Alphabetization at the Correct Age (PNAIC), a teacher education program created by the Ministry of Education in the beginning of 2013. The framework of analysis used was that assessment must be a part of the process of continuing teacher education, i.e., reflection in action. Official documents published by the Ministry of Education were examined, as well as materials that have been developed by partner Universities and offered for continuing teacher education, seeking to describe how teacher evaluation is conducted in the program. The study results suggest weaknesses in coordination between the Federal Union, States, Municipalities, Higher Education Institutions and teachers with regard to discussions of alphabetization and literacy. Furthermore, they show that it is premature to predict any relationship between the assessment of teachers conducted by the Pact and the evaluation of student performance at the end of the alphabetization cycle. It is concluded that the program needs to incorporate a broader conception of evaluation in order to legitimize the continuity of teacher education in the full exercise of pedagogical praxis.


Les données relatives au téléchargement ne sont pas encore disponibles.


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Comment citer

Quintana Pouzo Minatel, M., Castro dos Santos, S. M., & Kirchner Guimarães, S. R. (2015). ASSESSMENT OF TEACHERS WITHIN THE NATIONAL PACT FOR LITERACY AT THE CORRECT AGE (PNAIC). Revista Diálogo Educacional, 15(44), 157–172.