Ensuring the right to education under performance logic: a study carried out at a Readers’ School


  • Vania Finholdt Angelo Leite Doctor studying on the Post-Graduation Program in Education at Pontifícal Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), professor on the Pedagogy Course at Rio de Janeiro State University (Uerj), Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil.




This article discusses the guarantee of the right to education under the performative logic due to changes that occur in the public sector in different countries. This discussion will be conducted based on data collected the doctoral research, which analyzed the educational policy of the Rio de Janeiro (2009-2012) observing the role of the educational coordinator on implementing the referring policy at the school. The question is: which side adjustments were made by the coordinator to "implement" the educational proposal which is supported by the performative logic towards the defense of the right to education? I seek to answer it under pinned by the concept of performativity and new managerialism developed by Stephen Ball. The data presented will show that the teachers of the school have made some adjustments in the policy proposed by Secretary of Municipal Education (SME), as a means of ensuring students’ right to education. One of the changes observed concerns proposals for competitions so that children could comply with school rules. Another adjustment was perceived in regards to the category assessment which, due to pressure from the school to have to reach a goal set by SME, influenced the practice of coordinating that went on to discuss the goals and results of the school in relation to the network, bringing graphics performance of students in every class councils. At the same time, however, the coordinator was developing collective work projects in order to foster reading and writing skills, which became a strategy to confront the culture of performativity. 


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Cómo citar

Finholdt Angelo Leite, V. (2013). Ensuring the right to education under performance logic: a study carried out at a Readers’ School. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 13(39), 673–689. https://doi.org/10.7213/rde.v13i39.8339