Education and quality: two sides of the same right


  • Rosimar Serena Siqueira Esquinsani Professor and researcher of the Graduate Program in Education at the University of Passo Fundo (UPF), researcher of Pq/CNPq, Passo Fundo, RS - Brazil.



If education is a right, its warranty is realized only with access to school? There is respect for the right to education when devoid of minimum quality indicators? Education without quality would not be a right half? Fueled by these inquiries text proposes a reading of quality public education from the results of an empirical research on media products in the time frame from 2001 to 2011, collated with theoretical anchors that deal with education as a right. Winning a place in the public school is part of the right to education, which will only flow if this job also makes contemplated by reference quality. The text considers further that the issue of quality in education is not a philosophical issue, but political, orbiting in the practical sphere and guarantee human rights. In conclusion, the text supports the premise that the achievement of a right is not detached from contextual and objective conditions of its existence, which can effectively guarantee this right, beyond declarations and intentions. Do not just put everyone in the school to achieve the guarantee of the right to education. We need to go beyond vague: ensure continuity, school success and a minimum standard (decent) quality at school and in the processes inherent in this institution. In this order, the right to education would only be fulfilled by quality references such as sides of the same coin. 


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How to Cite

Siqueira Esquinsani, R. S. (2013). Education and quality: two sides of the same right. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 13(39), 583–603.