Educação das infâncias no YouTube

problematizações a partir da parceria “Felipe Neto e Minecraft”




This article aims to problematize how childhoods are being produced, educated and represented  in the videos on Felipe Neto's YouTube channel published in 2021. In such videos, YouTuber Felipe Neto plays Minecraft, a Microsoft-owned game that is a hit around the world. Methodologically, screen ethnography is used to analyze the ten most viewed and commented videos from the playlist “Minecraft - the saga”, published between October and December 2021. The videos were analyzed allowed verifying the construction, by the YouTuber, of a gamer childhood - guided by hyper-consumption, hyper-attention, hyper-performance and entrepreneurship. It is concluded that Felipe Neto and Minecraft educate childhoods, as they promote changes in habits, reinforcing certain representations and shaping children's identities.


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How to Cite

Ripoll, D., Guizzo, B. S., & Rocha, J. O. F. (2024). Educação das infâncias no YouTube: problematizações a partir da parceria “Felipe Neto e Minecraft”. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 24(83).