Knowledge as creation

subversion of educational technology in the periphery of capitalism


  • André Oliveira Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)



This essay proposes the hypothesis that, in an educational context, anti-Cartesian foundations on knowledge offer possibilities for subverting technologies to cool the structures of oppression, control and domination. Using a literature review methodology, the essay relates subjects such as cognitive science and decolonial studies to consider two cases of educational technologies and their political implications. To achieve these objectives, the text is divided into three parts. The first of them describes the notion of knowledge, the basis for any discussion about learning or teaching, in the context of the area of ​​cognitive science. The next stage discusses the relationship between educational tools from different times and their Cartesian conceptual foundations as definers of their policies and histories of use. A third part presents relationships and conclusions about possibilities for subversion of the colonizing order. At this stage, the text seeks to present a path of emancipation through disobedience and the creation of ways of using educational tools for telling one's own stories on the periphery of capitalism.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A. (2024). Knowledge as creation: subversion of educational technology in the periphery of capitalism. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 24(80).