A pedagogia freireana

um diálogo sobre a liberdade





The article has as its theme The freirean Pedagogy: a dialogue about freedom, enunciating the influence of Freirean thought in overcoming oppression in view of humanization. The research problem is: what is the importance and actuality of Freirean pedagogy in the consolidation of humanized societies? The objective is to provoke in the human being the capacity to overcome the oppression experienced by the oppressed and the oppressor through the formation of a critical and humanizing conscience. To consolidate the study, the hermeneutic-dialectic method is followed, based on Freirean theoretical references. First, the reader is introduced to the historical context of Paulo Freire. Then, a dialogue is held with the view of the constitution of the human being as a historical and unfinished subject, this being the essential point in the formation of conscience that propels the overcoming of oppression. And, at the point of conflict between the oppressor and the oppressed, humanization is presented as a path through which the subjects can become aware of themselves, developing their own way of acting and thinking in order to intervene and transform the world and, finally, overcoming oppression and the possibility of being more, elucidating the praxis as a powerful concept that places the subject in a condition of intervention and transformation of realities. In summary, Freirean pedagogy clearly and objectively states the thesis of an education committed to humanization, freedom, and respect for the historicity of the subjects.


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Author Biography

Volnei Fortuna, Universidade La Salle Canoas

Doutor em Educação pelo Programa de Pós-graduação da Universidade de Passo Fundo (RS), Coordenador pedagógico no Colégio Salvatoriano Bom Conselho e Professor no Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia - Câmpus Sertão: Sertão, RS, BR. 


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How to Cite

Fortuna, V. (2023). A pedagogia freireana: um diálogo sobre a liberdade. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 23(79), 1479–1490. https://doi.org/10.7213/1981-416X.23.079.AO07