Pesquisa e inovação responsáveis e seus pressupostos na cibercultura




This paper presents a qualitative and quantitative case study developed in large higher education institution in the state of Paraná - Brazil. The pedagogical proposal was based on a social thematic challenge as part of the investigation of an international project, based on an RRI proposal. The research aimed to discuss how Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) can help in the population's healthy life issues. The international project, funded by the European Commission, was an initiative to promote skills for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) through Open Educational Resources (OER). The research focused on the activities carried out with students from a 5th period class of the Digital Design higher course. The pedagogical proposal was developed in seven phases and at the end there was a presentation and collective discussion of the solutions achieved and a self-assessment of the process and methodology developed throughout the semester through an online questionnaire. Data from this study included students coordinated by two professors who participated in this collaborative co-production experience. From the results obtained, it was possible to perceive the need for students to acquire skills, in a responsible way, that allow them to become both holders and users of copyright.


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Author Biographies

Raquel Pasternak Glitz Kowalski, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR)

Pós doutoranda em Educação na PUCPR, Doutora em Educação na PUCPR (2018) com estágio na Open University UK (2015/2016), Mestre em Educação na PUCPR (2008). Especialização em Web Design pela PUCPR (2002) e Especialização em Design Instrucional (2012). Graduação em Design Gráfico pela PUCPR (2001). Coordenadora e professora do curso de especialização em Design Educacional na PUCPR. Atua como docente na PUCPR e na FAE nos cursos de graduação na área de Design, Publicidade e Propaganda e Pedagogia há mais de 12 anos. 

Luciane Hilu, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR)

Graduada em Comunicação Visual pela UFPR (1990) e em Música pela EMBAP (1993). Mestre em Música pela UFRJ (1998) e  Doutora em Educação pela PUCPR (2016). Atua professora do curso superior de Design da PUCPR nas áreas de design digital, web design, projeto, metodologia de design. 



How to Cite

Pasternak Glitz Kowalski, R., & Hilu, L. (2022). Pesquisa e inovação responsáveis e seus pressupostos na cibercultura. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 22(74).