The development of the historical thought in Primary Education: possibilities of using family files


  • Geyso Dongley Germinari Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR)



The article problematizes the use of historical documents of family files as a tool for the development of the children’s historical thought in the Primary Education. It lays on the research field of History Teaching denominated Historical Education, which analyzes the teaching and learning process based on History’s epistemology. The relation between Primary Education and Historical Education finds reference in the theory of the historical conscience of JörnRüsen, and in the researches on historical teaching and learning for children developed by Hilary Cooper. The thoughts presented here are part of the research project “The historical thought of youths and children of schools located in the municipal district of Irati-PR”, developed in the Department of History of the State University of the Central West (Unicentro), Irati campus. As a result of greater relevance, it is pointed the possibility of the historical learning in the extent of the Primary Education, through the systematic work with historical sources from family files.


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How to Cite

Dongley Germinari, G. (2014). The development of the historical thought in Primary Education: possibilities of using family files. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 14(43), 805–819.