Catholic thought, publishing, and teacher education in Brazil


  • Décio Gatti Júnior Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU), Uberlândia, MG, Brasil.
  • Geraldo Gonçalves de Lima Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM), Uberaba, MG, Brasil.



The purpose of this study is to elaborate on the characteristics of Catholic thought expressed in the educational reality of Brazil in the twentieth century and its repercussion on didactic and pedagogical strategies directed exclusively toward teacher education, based on the publication of authors such as Theobaldo Miranda Santos. For that purpose, we adopted the investigative strategies of document research, mainly based on analysis of school manuals, of educational legislation, and of ecclesiastical documents, as well as the qualitative and bibliographic approach of authors such as Almeida Filho (2008), Azzi (1994), Bomeny (2001), Cury (2010), Roballo (2007), Silva (2014), and Toledo (2001). Thus, the investigation is structurally articulated around the following aims. First of all, reflection on the Catholic doctrinal presuppositions, understood as an ideological foundation for the specifically technical and moral training of the teachers. Secondly, a discussion of the papal encyclical Divini Illius Magistri (Pius XI), understood as the fundamental ecclesiastical document regarding the educational conception of the Catholic Church, as well as a discussion of the ideological dispute between Catholic intellectuals (like Alceu Amoroso Lima) with the adherents of escolanovismo (the New School movement). Finally, we propose to analyze the activity of Theobaldo Miranda Santos as an example of an author of school manuals linked to the Catholic publishing effort dedicated to teacher education with the Companhia Editora Nacional (National Publishing Company).keywords: Catholic thought. Teacher education. History of Education. Theobaldo Miranda Santos. School manuals.


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How to Cite

Gatti Júnior, D., & Gonçalves de Lima, G. (2015). Catholic thought, publishing, and teacher education in Brazil. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 15(46), 639–660.