
  • Thierry Karsenti Université de Montréal
  • Simon Collin Université de Montréal, Montréal - Canadá



Originally used in artistic circles, the portfolio has gained considerable ground in the education field, where it serves a multitude of functions, both academic and professional. It is also a rapidly evolving tool, notably due to advances in Web 2.0 technology that have opened the way to new pedagogical potentials. The portfolio is also prominent in second-language teaching and learning programs, as witnessed by the European Language Portfolio (ELP), which was developed and piloted by the Council of Europe and is used as a support tool in line with the ISSN 1518-3483 Licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons Rev. Diálogo Educ., Curitiba, v. 10, n. 31, p. 581-592, set./dez. 2010 582 KARSENTI, T.; COLLIN, S. Rev. Diálogo Educ., Curitiba, v. 10, n. 31, p. 581-592, set./dez. 2010 Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). In this context, we present Eduportfolio, a flexible electronic portfolio that can be adapted to a variety of educational contexts, including second language (L2) education. We draw a portrait of the portfolio in education, including the advantages of the electronic version. We then present Eduportfolio along with some empirical results to illustrate eportfolio use in French second language (FSL) teaching and learning.


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Cómo citar

Karsenti, T., & Collin, S. (2010). EDUPORTFOLIO: A TOOL FOR SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHERS. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 10(31), 581–592.