Senses and meanings of inclusive education: what the professionals of the Training Center of Inclusive Education and Accessibility (CEIA/Canoas) reveal


  • Gilberto Ferreira da Silva PhD in Education at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), post-PhD at University of Barcelona, researcher at CNPq, professor of the Graduation course of Pedagogy and of the Master’s in Education at Unilasalle, Canoas, RS - Brazil.
  • Marta Nörnberg PhD in Education at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), professor at the Education College and at the Post-Graduation Program in Education at Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas, RS - Brazil.



This article examines some results of a collaborative-action-research in progress that hovers over the field of intercultural education, strengthening cultural diversity in the context of the training Center in Inclusive Education and Accessibility (CEIA) of the public school system of the city of Canoas. In this text, the definitions of inclusive education revealed by educators of the CEIA are presented and discussed. It is a research that is methodologically anchored in collaborative-action-research approach as has as axis articulator the formation and transformation of daily practices triggered through a process of inserting in the school space in the medium term. The analyses point to the construction of another culture of research in education, where the education professionals living the day to day can live the offset of the classical place of informants for the collaborators of the investigative process. It is in process the building of the sense of inclusive education as a result of an overall process where teachers, in and with their pedagogical work, propose spaces for living and learning situations capable of guaranteeing the special needs of their students in regular classes. Finally, the inclusive education happens when, at school, educational practices are invented betting on the experience as an organizing principle of pedagogical work.  


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Cómo citar

Ferreira da Silva, G., & Nörnberg, M. (2013). Senses and meanings of inclusive education: what the professionals of the Training Center of Inclusive Education and Accessibility (CEIA/Canoas) reveal. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 13(39), 651–672.