Social network as a means of sharing open educational resources in Higher Education


  • Patrícia Lupion Torres professor at Education Post-Graduate Program – PPGE - Masters and Doctorate at PUCPR, Curitiba, PR - Brasil.
  • Lilia Maria Marques Siqueira professor in Electronic Engineering Course at PUCPR, Curitiba, PR - Brasil.
  • Elizete Lucia Matos professor at Education Post-Graduate Program – PPGE – Masters and Doctorate at PUCPR, Curitiba, PR - Brasil.



This article is about social networks and open educational resources as means of exchange and collaboration for higher education. It highlights the issue of students as participants in the construction of new knowledge, from content presented in class through discussions mediated by the professor and integration of each participant with their own experiences and characteristics from reality and historicity from that moment. It searches, through social networks and open educational resources, new elements which favor the spread of academic culture, university, currently entered into denominations such as: network society, knowledge society or information society. In common in their definitions there is the change of the educational paradigm which assumes that the student is a passive subject who will only have access to information through the professor’s hands, to a new theoretical positioning. The networks are used by the community to share ideas, opinions, and in educational contexts, for sharing computerized educational resources and with authors such as Andres (2000), Bruffee (1999), Downes (2007), Johnstone (2005) and others. The interdependence skills, exchange of ideas and debates with the strategy of collaboration can also be encouraged through the mediation of technology. From several studies on the topic some recommendations are presented so that the educational resources meet international standards of production surpassing the mere text digitization. The use of educational resources can mean an improvement on the proposals of hybridization of teaching in higher education institutions, by allowing a relaxation of the teaching-learning process which overcomes the boundaries of traditional and formal education.  


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How to Cite

Lupion Torres, P., Marques Siqueira, L. M., & Matos, E. L. (2013). Social network as a means of sharing open educational resources in Higher Education. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 13(38), 183–201.