The emergence of critical AI literacy

The social reconstruction of citizenship in democracies under digital siege


  • Alejandro Artopoulos UdeSA/UBA/CIC
  • Alejandra Lliteras



AI literacy can be defined as the knowledge and skills to understand, evaluate, use and interact with AI to participate in the world. It is the adaptive evolution of data literacy, a first version of which dealt with predictive AI. While the former is introduced as a tidy, technical, and even neutral strategy of transition to a desirable world to come, the latter is concerned with nurturing the critical sense of (digital) citizens capable of distinguishing biases and inequalities. can an AI critical literacy project be sustained? In this paper we analyse its emergence in the context of democracies beset by algorithmic outrages. Using socio-technical mapping methodology, we identify networks of social actors attempting to assemble responses to the socio-political impacts of the adoption of AI platforms that are stabilised and integrated into education systems. We observed patterns of trajectories and convergences, from projects such as digital literacy, computational thinking, media literacy, and others. We identify disciplinary terrains and edges, analyse the limitations of the assemblages and propose criteria for possible stable future developments.



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How to Cite

Artopoulos, A., & Lliteras, A. (2024). The emergence of critical AI literacy: The social reconstruction of citizenship in democracies under digital siege. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 24(83).