Acacia Zeneida Kuenzer:

Female reference in teacher formation and Professional Education




The article is about the work of Acacia Zeneida Kuenzer, an important female reference for thinking teacher formation, especially to Professional Education. Through article analysis and interviews carried out with the author, it is possible to infer that since the 80s decade the author defends a teacher formation that takes place in the university space, taking in account the articulation of knowledge about the world of work and scientific-technological knowledge from all areas of knowledge through integrated and integrating practices between science, culture and work, within the contextual, institutional, pedagogical, praxical, ethical and investigative axis. It is also noticeable in her work the positioning of teacher formation in relocation to work and education, demonstrating that the precarization of work and teacher formation serve to which is called excluding inclusion, once it makes worker and their children to enter in the educational system without providing them effective conditions of analysis and social transformation, in a trend of reducing theoretical knowledge in favor of pragmatic instrumental knowledge. Kuenzer points to how education ends up serving to maintain and deepen capitalist exploitative relations, making more necessary the role of the teacher to reflect on and inspire reflection on the conditions that permeate the world of work, supported by solid theoretical tools that allow for action towards a fairer society. Her life and academic work are examples in activism in favor of those objectives.


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Author Biography

Sandra Terezinha Urbanetz, Instituto Federal do Paraná (IFPR)

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Paraná, Professora do Instituto Federal do Paraná


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How to Cite

Urbanetz, S. T., & Barreiro, C. (2024). Acacia Zeneida Kuenzer: : Female reference in teacher formation and Professional Education. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 24(80).