Epistemologia complexa e as compreensões narrativas do vivido na pesquisa (auto)biográfica





The text is woven as a theoretical-epistemological essay, articulated with reflections on formative and professional experiences in university teaching, thinking about the school with the teachers of Basic Education, the result of the intertwining of the Epistemology of Complexity with the (auto)biographical narrative research. Its objectives are: to understand the relationships and meanings of complex thinking with narrative research in the educational field, as well as to reflect on what contributions complexity and (auto)biographical approaches promote in teacher training. It starts from the following provocation: how is it possible to articulate Complex Theory with (auto)biographical narrative Research? How do these approaches make it possible to think about teacher training in a context of uncertainties and complexities of life, research, training, education and society in the current scenario? The theoretical and epistemological proposition is discussed in the light of Complex Thinking in: Edgar Morin, Maria da Conceição Xavier de Almeida, Izabel Petraglia, Maria Cândida Moraes, Marilda Aparecida Behrens and others, intertwining with the reflections of the Life Stories Movement in training in (auto)biographical narrative research with Marie-Christine Josso, in dialogue with Ivor Goodson, Inês Bragança, Conceição Passeggi and others. As a result, it reflects that it would be necessary to promote a more complex bias on life, education, training, learning and knowledge with teachers and students in the constitution of significant processes in school education and training, developing and valuing their life stories and (auto)biographical narratives in the ethical, solidary and responsible composition of many other formative, democratic and emancipatory possibilities in education, teaching and professional teaching experience.


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Author Biography

Joelson de Sousa Morais, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)

Doutorando em Educação pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) na linha de pesquisa Formação de Professores e Trabalho Docente. Pesquisador do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Educação Continuada (GEPEC/UNICAMP), do Grupo Interinstitucional de Pesquisaformação Polifonia (UNICAMP/UERJ) e do Grupo de Pesquisas Interdisciplinares: Educação, Saúde e Sociedade da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA/CNPQ).



How to Cite

Morais, J. de S. (2023). Epistemologia complexa e as compreensões narrativas do vivido na pesquisa (auto)biográfica. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 23(78), 1135–1149. https://doi.org/10.7213/1981-416X.23.078.DS11