The training and accounts of practice of teachers in a quilombola school in Amapa

for a culturally relevant didactics




The main objective of this study was to analyse the contributions of teacher training (initial and in-service) in a Quilombola school on their pedagogical practice in a context rich in interethnic relations. At the methodological level, the qualitative approach proved to be the most relevant to capture the particularities of a specific context, which is why a semi-structured interview was conducted with seven secondary school teachers. As for the data analysis, the content analysis method was adopted. The teachers' accounts revealed the absence of a more diverse curriculum during initial training that addressed the problems of socially excluded communities in Brazil. This absence weakens, in a way, the practice of the teaching profession in quilombola schools, as it does not prepare them to work in this school context. However, this did not prevent them from integrating culturally relevant didactic practices into their teaching practices, through the implementation of various educational projects on traditional dances, religious rituals, handicrafts, community agro-food activities, in order to articulate disciplinary and local knowledge. Regarding the continuity of the training process, the considerable lack of continuous training in the field of ethno-racial education was mentioned. In many situations, teachers feel alone and seek by their own means to deepen their knowledge and improve their classroom practices. In this context, it is not enough for the school to be recognised as quilombola as required by the 2012 national directives if there is no real concern for the type of education needed to meet the educational needs of quilombola pupils in their different dimensions.



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Author Biography

Brigida Ticiane Ferreira da Silva, Universidade do Estado do Amapá

Doutora em Ciências da Linguagem (França) e Pós-doutora em Educação pela Universidade de Genebra (Suíça).



How to Cite

Ferreira da Silva, B. T. (2023). The training and accounts of practice of teachers in a quilombola school in Amapa: for a culturally relevant didactics. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 23(79), 1376–1390.