Practice as a curriculum component: questions and reflections


  • Samuel de Souza Neto Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
  • Vandeí Pinto da Silva Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (Unesp)



This present reflection is motivated by difficulties imposed to graduation courses in order to interpret the meaning of Practice as a Curriculum Component (PCC), these difficulties expressed in different forms of implementation. The aim is to contribute to building a conception of PCC integrated to the political-pedagogical project of the course and contribute to the improvement of teacher’s formation, in order to overcome formal curriculum adjustments in which the PCC only serves as a mechanism to facilitate compliance with the minimum workload of the course. The starting point is the analysis of PCC models already existent in public universities, its advances and challenges. Then we discuss the ambiguities of the legal guidelines about the concept of practice present in formulations such as “Teaching Practice and Supervised Internship”, “Internship” and “PCC”. The place of PCC in the curriculum is also questioned: it’s about to rescue practice as a formation reference, to overcome the lack of distinction between PCC and Internship, and the dichotomies between disciplines of specific formation and teaching. Finally, based on theoretical assumptions that link theory and practice, integration projects are proposed by means of which the PCC can contribute to the organization of the course, the interdisciplinary, collective work, the expansion of formation beyond the classroom and to the formation of teachers better prepared to face the current challenges.


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How to Cite

de Souza Neto, S., & Pinto da Silva, V. (2014). Practice as a curriculum component: questions and reflections. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 14(43), 889–909.