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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being assessed for publication by another magazine; otherwise, the fact must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The file to be submitted must be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF format.
  • Texts accepted by Revista Diálogo Educacional fall into the following categories: 
    - Original scientific article: articles resulting from research and which structure must include: Introduction, Methodology, Conclusion, and References. Articles must contain up to 15 pages and up to five illustrations, when applicable; 
    - Review Article: articles resulting from studies with a defined and consistent outline, which are based on bibliographic research, catalogs, thesis database, and indexes, and can contribute to the state of the art, containing up to 15 pages;
    - Review: a critical interpretative analysis of an article, guiding the reader as to its characteristics and potential use, containing up to three pages.
  • Texts must be typed in Word for Windows, in Times New Roman font, size 12 pt, spacing between lines of 1.5, A4 size, and must not exceed 15 pages for articles and five pages for reviews, including references, illustrations, figures, graphs, charts, and tables.
    Illustrations, figures, charts, etc. must be limited to the minimum necessary (considering that the title must also be indicated in the text where the illustration will be included), identified, and consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals. Digital images must be submitted each in a separate file, with the extension .jpg or .tif, and minimum resolution of 300 dpi. 
    Charts and tables must be limited to the minimum necessary and submitted separately from the text (considering that the title must also be indicated in the text where the chart/table will be included), identified, and consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals. When preparing tables, please follow the Rules for tabular presentation set forth by the National Statistics Council and published by IBGE in 1979. Charts and tables must be submitted each in a separate file, with extension .doc or .xls.
    Footnotes are indicated in Arabic numerals and limited to the minimum necessary.
  • The text must follow the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the page About the Magazine.
  • In case of the submission of a section with peer review (e.g., articles), the instructions available on Ensuring blind peer review must be followed.

Author Guidelines

Revista Diálogo Educacional is a four-monthly publication that includes original scientific articles and reviews dedicated to the field of Education, with a focus on the education of teachers and the development of the Brazilian educational thinking, targeted to professionals in similar fields. The Post-Graduation Program in Education of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil, is in charge of disclosing the academic and scientific production of national and international researchers and groups of researchers to encourage discussions in the field of Education. The focus of the theme that composes the dossier of each one of the issues of the Magazine is defined by the Editorial Committee and disclosed in advance on the Magazine’s website.


All articles must be unpublished and cannot have been submitted for simultaneous analysis by other periodicals.
Statements, opinions and concepts expressed in the articles are the responsibility of the authors.
All articles will be submitted to the Magazine’s Editorial Committee and for review by peers that are external to the Institution. 
Articles can be submitted in Portuguese, in English, in French, or in Spanish and the summary must be presented in the language of the original text translated into English and into Spanish.
Official abbreviations can be used only after being mentioned in full for the first time.
Articles must include: name of authors, academic degree, institutional affiliation, e-mail, full address (not to be disclosed in the publication of the article) for submission of correspondence by the Editorial Committee. Anonymous preparation and submission for analysis is made by the editor and the Editorial Committee. 
Color photographs will not be published, except as strictly necessary and at the discretion of the Editorial Committee.
Articles received will be submitted to two reviewers (referees) for peer review. Editors coordinate information exchanged between authors and reviewers, and make the final decision as to which articles will be published based on the recommendations made by the reviewers. When rejected, articles will be returned with the editor’s rationale. If accepted, texts will be reviewed, edited, and published. Reformulated texts can be resubmitted, when applicable.
The following criteria must be met: relevance to Revista Diálogo Educacional and to the field of education; conceptual theoretical consistency and strictness; articulation between goal, methodological and theoretical foundation, data analyses and conclusion; relevant and updated bibliography; originality and contributions to the field; language correction and compliance with the technical standards - ABNT. 
Results will be expressed as: AcceptedAccepted with reformulationsNot accepted.
Authors will be requested to translate the accepted text into English. 
It is up to the authors to state compliance with the ethical standards in research with human beings, as per the standards in effect. The statement must be made by occasion of the submission of the article in a specific field included in the submission platform.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this magazine will be exclusively used for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.