Harnessing ICT to support the mixed-mode delivery framework


  • Koh Noi Keng National Institute of Education e da Nanyang Technological University




To teach the net generation in today’s classrooms, it calls for innovativeteaching and learning strategies that are engaging so as to sustain learners’interest in learning. This paper describes how Singapore has successfullylaunched ICT initiatives in schools and expounds the use of the MixedMode Delivery (MMD) pedagogical model in ICT-Rich classroomsin Singapore educational context. This paper discusses how ICT isharnessed so as to support the MMD model where student teachersare empowered with a wide repertoire of strategies and tools to createa more positive learning environment. The paper concluded with theremark on the importance of the MMD as a viable pedagogical modelfor sustaining interest of learners in a high-tech world.


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Comment citer

Keng, K. N. (2010). Harnessing ICT to support the mixed-mode delivery framework. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 10(31), 615–629. https://doi.org/10.7213/rde.v10i31.2650