The mathematization of pedagogy:

vestiges of scientism in schools in Paraná




This article is the result of research carried out for the doctoral thesis entitled “Avaliação da matemática escolar: contribuições da Pedagogia da Escola Nova”. The bibliographical and documentary research aims to apprehend the actions implemented by the Center for Educational Studies and Research (CEPE) in the second half of the 1950s, and seeks to answer the guiding question: which traces of the mathematization of pedagogy can be apprehended in the sources stories that are part of the personal collection of professor Pórcia Guimarães Alves, a representative of objective evaluation? The research, guided by Cultural History, has as guiding concepts the school culture (JULIA, 2001), strategies and tactics (DE CERTEAU, 2011) and studies on scientific pedagogy (VALENTE, 2016) and (PINHEIRO; VALENTE, 2015). The study showed a strong movement of observation and direction of teaching, such that the studies carried out by CEPE, through statistical tools, quantified learning and expanded the practice of new methodological and evaluative strategies based on experiences that took knowledge into account. mathematicians. It was also possible to verify that the innovative practices adopted by primary schools during the study period reveal the concern with the mathematization of pedagogy and the adoption of criteria and processes that ensure objectivity in the verification of school performance based on pedagogical practices guided and organized by the Paraná Primary Education Demonstration Center.


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Author Biography

Waléria Adriana Gonçalez Cecílio, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Doutora em Educação, Mestre em Métodos Numéricos em Engenharia, Especialista em Gestão e Liderança Universitária, Graduada em Licenciatura em Matemática e Licenciatura em Pedagogia. Experiência profissional como professora do Ensino Fundamental e Graduação em Licenciaturas e Engenharias, Pós-graduação, Extensão, tutoria EAD, autora de material didático para o Ensino Superior e professora atuante em assuntos relacionados ao atendimento da legislação vigente para a Regulação de Cursos de Graduação. É membro da ABED – Associação Brasileira de Educação a Distância e do GHEMAT – Grupo de Pesquisa de História da Educação Matemática no Brasil. Atualmente realiza pesquisas na área de Formação de Professores e História do Ensino da Matemática.



How to Cite

Cecílio, W. A. G. (2022). The mathematization of pedagogy: : vestiges of scientism in schools in Paraná. Revista Diálogo Educacional, 22(75).