Prior Consultation Challenges in Latin American Renewable Energy Projects: A Comparative Analysis of Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Panama, Brazil, and Honduras
A Comparative Analysis of Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Panama, Brazil, and Honduras
prior consultation; renewable energy; Latin America; indigenous rights; sustainable development.Abstract
Indigenous and local community consultation has proved difficult in Latin American renewable energy projects. Although prior consultation rights have been recognized in Colombia, Mexico, Chile, Panama, Brazil, and Honduras, this study shows implementation weaknesses. Major issues are consultations' lack of clarity and adequacy, perceptions as formalities without real impact on decisions, and social conflicts. Justice, equity, territorial disputes, transparency, and projects' cultural and environmental impacts on indigenous lands and ways of life cause these conflicts. Conflicts and legal gaps exist in some nations. Project cancellations were due to strong community opposition, demonstrating the importance of renewable energy support. A just energy transition in Latin America requires strengthened regulatory frameworks, institutional capacities, socio-environmental safeguards, and genuine intercultural dialogue to balance renewable energy development with indigenous rights.
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