Rivers as subjects of rights: a new jurisprudence for non-predatory development models
Development. Rights of nature. Subjects of rights. Jurisprudence. Traditional peoples and communities.Abstract
This article presents an analysis of how Ecuador's constitutional initiative influenced and still influences, in order to stimulate a new dynamic in the socio-environmental field, which in addition to the actions of the judicial system, involves legislative processes and social movements. The analysis focuses on emblematic cases of rivers that occurred in different parts of the world. A history of initiatives that are creating a new jurisprudence is presented, using Harmony with Nature databases as an empirical source, which are proven through MAD (Decision Analysis Methodology). This new update has the potential to contribute to the change towards non-predatory development patterns, in a paradigm that values the lives of human and non-human beings and recognizes the territorial rights of Traditional Peoples and Communities
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