Gender and Feminist Philosophies: philosophical insurgencies




Gender and Philosophy is a topic that for a long time was considered non-philosophical. Problematizing gender relations was historically done privately, as personal studies, in the same way as studies of life stories and ideas of philosophers. Even with great difficulty in accessing works by female philosophers, we had pioneering Brazilian professors and researchers who positioned themselves in a hostile and sexist field, and showed that the gender issue was indeed a philosophical topic, and that there were/are women philosophers. However, we cannot talk about gender in Philosophy without recognizing that it was through feminist criticism that such reflections were endorsing (even if slowly) gender studies in Philosophy. In this text, we seek to value feminist philosophies and analyze how the theme of gender was inserted, valuing the pioneers who, from the beginning of the 2000s, began to propose events, publications, study groups, and other activities in Brazil, even before we have had working groups that deal with the topic of Gender and the life stories and thoughts of women in Philosophy, at the National Association of Postgraduate Studies in Philosophy (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, ANPOF). Such actions need to be remembered in studies, research, publications and events on feminist Epistemologies, Gender and Philosophy. Denouncing gender prejudices, machismo and patriarchy in our research, and learning to value gender studies in Philosophy and the contribution of feminist studies to this area of knowledge is still necessary. Studying and researching the thoughts of philosopher women is also contributing to a non-macho, non-patriarchal society, because as we have more works published on the thoughts of women, the more we will learn to value women in different societies.


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Biografía del autor/a

Graziela Rinaldi da Rosa, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande

Pós-doutora em Educação.




Cómo citar

Rinaldi da Rosa, G. (2024). Gender and Feminist Philosophies: philosophical insurgencies. Revista De Filosofía Aurora, 36. e202431372



Repensar la violencia en Filosofía: Género, política y resignificación