Epistemic Emotions: The Case of Wonder


  • Laura Candiotto Freie Universität de Berlin



Palabras clave:

wonder, epistemic emotion, aporia, inquiry, suffering.


In this paper I discuss the reasons for which we may consider wonder an epistemic emotion. I defend the thesis for which a specific type of wonder is aporia-based and that since it is aporia-based, this wonder is epistemic. The epistemic wonder is thus an interrogating wonder which plays the epistemic function of motivation to questioning in processes of inquiry. I first introduce the contemporary debate on epistemic emotions, and then I analyze the characteristics that make of wonder an epistemic emotion, from a data-based, phenomenological, and conceptual perspective.


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Biografía del autor/a

Laura Candiotto, Freie Universität de Berlin

I’m Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Senior Research Fellow at the Free University of Berlin, Germany.  Previously I worked as Marie Curie Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, carrying on the EU funded project “Emotions First” (Marie Curie Individual Fellowship) at the Eidyn Centre. I also worked as Teaching Fellow at the same University, both in the Department of Philosophy and at the Moray House School of Education. I taught “Philosophy of Well-Being” (undergraduate course), “Greats” (an undergraduate course dedicated to the philosophy of  Plato, Aristotle, Descartes and Kant) and “Philosophy of Education”. I also taught philosophy of emotions to the PhD students in Philosophy (Proseminar). I was guest researcher at the IMéRA Institute of the Advanced Studies of the Aix-Marseille University, France, during the 2018/2019.


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Cómo citar

Candiotto, L. (2019). Epistemic Emotions: The Case of Wonder. Revista De Filosofía Aurora, 31(54). https://doi.org/10.7213/1980-5934.31.054.DS11