Emotions theory in Nietzsche: beyond traditional Dualism


  • Daniel Calbino Programa de Pós Graduação Em Educação-UFVJM e UFSJ



Palabras clave:

Nietzsche, teoria das emoções, razão/emoção, moral.


In recent years there has been the advance of theories aimed at broadening the reflection on emotions and influences on moral aspects. In the midst of this discussion, the essay aims to investigate Nietzsche's philosophical for the critique of the reason versus emotion. As results, it is pointed out that Nietzsche preceded empirical psychology in centuries. If studies in the field of neuroscience bring inferences from explanations of physiology in the rational, Nietzsche pointed out to these hypotheses, although by purely logical and rational means. In short, the innovations in the author's thinking contribute to dialogue with the emotion’s theory, as well as to counteract the ethical rationality superimposed on affects.


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Biografía del autor/a

Daniel Calbino, Programa de Pós Graduação Em Educação-UFVJM e UFSJ

Docente do PPGED-UFVJM e UFSJ. Doutor e Mestre em Administração pela UFMG. Especialista em Filosofia pela UFSJ. Graduado em Administração e Filosofia pela UFSJ.


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Cómo citar

Calbino, D. (2019). Emotions theory in Nietzsche: beyond traditional Dualism. Revista De Filosofía Aurora, 31(54). https://doi.org/10.7213/1980-5934.31.054.DS06