Aux origines du « marxisme à la française » : réception et évolution du projet d’A la lumière du marxisme




This article aims to present the results of research on the reception of the first French studies on dialectical materialism, published in 1935 in the collection entitled A la lumière du marxisme. The analysis of the many reviews and the reconstruction of the debate around this volume, through which Marxism as a philosophy is introduced in France, sheds new light on the genesis of "modern rationalism", which, when of its foundation in 1939, the review linked to the Pcf, La Pensée. We thus discover that the fixed image of French-style Marxism, based on the resumption of the materialist and rationalist national tradition, as it will be transmitted from the post-war period, is the result of an ideological struggle in which different positions had clashed. In fact, at the start of the decade, the intellectuals gathered around the Scientific Commission of the Circle of New Russia had tried to envisage Marxism mainly as a living methodology for the advancement of the sciences, including nature, and that in this epistemological appropriation of the materialist dialectic the reference to Hegel plays a crucial role for the appropriation and the introduction of the philosophy of Marx in the academic environment. However, through the reviews that have been made of their first attempts, various pressures are exerted, coming mainly from the authorities of Soviet control, so that the study of the "French source" of Marxism replaces the "German source". Despite their initial resistance, as evidenced by the ensuing debates, the "neo-Marxists" ended up following these invitations to abandon the Hegelian way to the materialist dialectic in order to trace a national line which from Descartes would lead to Stalin.

Mots-clés: Marxisme. Matérialisme dialectique. Rationalisme moderne. Louis Althusser. Epistémologie marxiste.


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How to Cite

Carlino, F. (2022). Aux origines du « marxisme à la française » : réception et évolution du projet d’A la lumière du marxisme. Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 34(63).