The Biopolitical Device of human enhancement of the 21st century: molecular power over life and production of new subjectivities




Biopolítica. Mejoramiento humano. Subjetividad. Cuerpo. Salud.


This reflection proposes that the Human Improvement Technologies (TMh), in the 21st century, are erected in a biopolitical device of molecular power over the life of the individual and the human species, which is structured both by the mechanisms of Infogeneration and Infogeneration as of lines of visibility, enunciation, force, objectification and subjectification. This incipient biopolitics of molecular power that has the intricacies of vitality as its target of intervention and the purpose of artificially producing life, generates at least three effects: on subjectivity, the body and health, thus raising important questions for bioethics. and biolaw. At first, we outline the characteristic notes of the Biopolitical Device for Human Enhancement (DBMh). Afterwards, we approach the way in which the DBMh constructs unprecedented forms of subjectivity, at the same time that it establishes new and different conceptions of the human body and of health. In the final part, a stratigraphic model is outlined to read phenomena associated with TMh in which bioethics, biopolitics and biolaw are articulated in a variable geometry model.


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Author Biography

Daniel Gihovani Toscano López, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Research professor and teacher


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How to Cite

Toscano López, D. G. (2022). The Biopolitical Device of human enhancement of the 21st century: molecular power over life and production of new subjectivities . Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 34(61).