Technoscience, regulation and language manipulation




Technoscience, language, bullshit, regulation, climate, controversy


The article focuses on some discursive defects that influence on decision-making around issues of science and technology (technoscience). Particularly, the nature and use of the linguistic phenomenon known as bullshit are analysed, and the results of this analysis are placed into the general context of the controversy about climate change. The conclusion emphasizes the relevance of avoiding confusions and humbug in the information available to the public and linked to decisions in the realm of science policy or regulation.


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Author Biography


PhD (Logic and Philosophy of Science) at the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, he has been researcher and visiting scholar in the Colorado School of Mines, University of Colorado at Boulder, and other European and American universities . Author of Philosophy and science: The Vienna Circle (2000), Dogmas in science? Feyerabend, Kuhn, Popper (2003, with X. Eizagirre), Cyborg meekness (2009), Ethics and Engineering (2010, with C. Mitcham), and Humanities and Social Sciences in Engineering (2013, several authors). He has published several articles in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) periodicals, as well as in some other international and national reference journals such as Technology and Culture, Foundations of Chemistry, Arbor, Educaçâo e Filosofia, Manuscrito, Episteme, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, Theorema, Principia, Filosofia Unisinos, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, Theoria, or The European Legacy. He is also author of book chapters published by international reference publishers such as Macmillan, Springer or Ariel (Spain).


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How to Cite

Bengoetxea, J. B. (2021). Technoscience, regulation and language manipulation. Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 33(58).