The Importance of Including the Fourth World in Decolonial International Law Debates
Decolonial International Law. TWAIL. FWAIL. Fourth world. Indigenous peoples.Abstract
Law, as a set of norms aimed at regulating social life, is a field where change is inherently slow, perpetually lagging behind societal developments. In the realm of International Law, changes are even more challenging due to its positivist normative structure, established not only by states wielding military and economic power on the international stage but also as a product of a historical and colonial context that has legitimized it for over five centuries. Consequently, it becomes exceedingly difficult to envision norms that address the desires and needs of the Third World, let alone the Fourth World. In this context, using a deductive and exploratory approach, this article seeks to analyze how the agendas shaped by the contemporary reality of ongoing injustices sustaining the global status quo can be addressed through the dialogue proposed by Decolonial International Law, integrating TWAIL (Third World Approaches to International Law), decolonial thought, and the debates emerging from Fourth World Approaches to International Law (FWAIL) or Original Nation Approaches to International Law (ONAIL).
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