Environmental arbitration: viability and proposals of democratization
solving environmental conflicts; environmental arbitration; limits; viability; democratization.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to rethink the model for solving environmental conflicts through arbitration. Traditionally, Brazilian culture is focused on solving conflicts through the courts. However, as the phenomenon of judicialization of social relations (or politics) occurs in the Brazilian legal-political scenario, it is possible to observe a subversion of the logic of the reasonable duration of the process, a right inscribed in article 5, item LXXVIII of the Constitution Federal. This takes on greater concern and becomes even more sensitive when analyzed from the point of view of conflicts that involve rights that cannot be passed over, such as the fundamental right to an ecologically balanced environment. In this sense, considering that judicial delays affect the environmental solution and, consequently, all other fundamental rights related to the environment, it is necessary to think of alternative means for resolving environmental conflicts. Thus, drawing on legislative and bibliographic research on the main legislation and scientific approaches on the subject, we seek to verify the feasibility of arbitration in the environmental field in view of the unavailability of the environmental good and we seek to present proposals for the democratization of the arbitration as an adequate means of resolving conflicts.
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