Decolonialidade e Práticas Emancipatórias

Novas Perspectivas para a área de ciências da religião e teologia


  • Ingrid Carolina Soto Escobar Ribeiro Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas


This review article of the book Decoloniality and Emancipatory Practices: New Perspectives for the Field of Religious Sciences and Theology brings together seven conference papers from the 32nd International Congress of SOTER of 2019, showcasing new horizons for research and action in the field of Religious Sciences and Theology.. Presenting narratives surrounding accounts of human existence and epistemological scientific analyses from a decolonial perspective, understood as a perspective marked by the struggles and social resistances of marginalized communities seeking rights and recognition, the papers raise questions and critiques of a thought deemed as modern, capitalist, patriarchal, racist, colonial, and anthropocentric. Thus, the texts present a landscape of emancipatory practices with a new orientation toward a plural society within the realm of academic and scientific knowledge. Even though decolonial thought holds aspirations and limitations and is surrounded by tensions and complex issues, there's a desire to build a space that highlights the necessity of a respectful inter-religious multicultural dialogue that fosters inclusivity, equity, and cooperation among peoples.


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Author Biography

Ingrid Carolina Soto Escobar Ribeiro, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas

Mestrado em andamento em Ciências da Religião pela PUC-Campinas. Graduada em Filosofia pela mesma instituição. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa “História das Religiões e Religiosidades no Brasil”. E-mail: [email protected].



How to Cite

Soto Escobar Ribeiro, I. C. (2023). Decolonialidade e Práticas Emancipatórias: Novas Perspectivas para a área de ciências da religião e teologia. Caderno Teológico Da PUCPR, 8(1). Retrieved from