Pre-individuality and individuation: Simondon and a critique to the idea of subject




The text intends to exhibit some considerations around some specific questions about the thought of Gilbert Simondon, such as, for example, the notions of individuation and pre-individuality. Simondon will address in his work, a critique developed around the search in tradition for a kind of originary principle, called by Simondon inverted ontogenesis. Simondon presents a critique of the philosophy of consciousness and, in a contrary position, speaks of 'modes of individuation', instead of an idea of objective or subjective synthesis. According to Simondon, when thinking about the individual/life and its genesis, an analysis is carried out based on the individuation processes and their evidence, as opposed to the idea of form and matter. If there are no forms and no subjects, we can only think of differentiation (of a thing, of an animal, of a person), only through affects and dynamic intensities. There is no development plan, only relationships and differentiations.


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Biografía del autor/a

Alex Fabiano Correia Jardim, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros

PhD in Philosophy. Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Philosophy and the Master's Degree in Letters/Literary Studies at the State University of Montes Claros, MG. Coordinator of the Philosophy Research Group/CNPq-Unimontes and the Laboratory for Teaching Philosophy, Human Sciences and Other Systems of Thought -Unimontes. Coordinator of the Contemporary Agency Channel -




Cómo citar

Craia, E., & Correia Jardim, A. F. (2024). Pre-individuality and individuation: Simondon and a critique to the idea of subject. Revista De Filosofía Aurora, 36, e202430846.



Simondon en la iberofonía