The constitution of objectivities in consciousness in ideas I and ideas II



Palabras clave:

Husserl, constitution, intersubjectivity


In this paper, I present the difficulty in the phenomenology of explaining the constitution of objectivities in consciousness. In the context of phenomenological reduction, constitution has to be understood as unveiling the universal and necessary essences. Recognized by Husserl in Ideas I and named as functional problems, the constitution of objectivities refers at first to individual consciousness, and then to an intersubjective one. In Ideas II, the phenomenologist explains how the constitution of nature, psyche, and spirit occurs. This process begins by assuming three premises: the ontological realism, the regularity of nature, and the transcendental idealism. In this process, the ego, apart from constituting objects (the body, the psyche, and the others), constitutes itself. The objects of material reality are constituted through aesthetic synthesis which unifies singularities and contextualizes the lived experience. The body, as a perceptive organ, perceives the exterior, and the location of the sensory stimulus is the soul. The soul is a real and transcendent object, which is linked to physical things that are constituted in a solipsistic way or intersubjectively. Empathy allows the subject to recognize the consciousness of the alter ego as capable of spontaneous movements and actions, a co-presence sharing the same horizons. Thus, through the theoretical attitude, the physical world is perceived, and through the spiritual attitude the spiritual world is perceived, a living world shared by free intelligent beings. For this, intersubjectivity fulfills a fundamental role, because only in the relationship with the other does the identity of the objects, of the other, and of the self become evident.


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Biografía del autor/a

Nathalie Barbosa de La Cadena, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)

Professora Associada do Departamento de Filosofia da UFJF

Doutora em Direito pela Universidad de Valladolid (2016)

Doutora em Filosofia pela UFRJ (2010)


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Cómo citar

Cadena, N. B. de L. (2019). The constitution of objectivities in consciousness in ideas I and ideas II. Revista De Filosofía Aurora, 31(53).