Wittgenstein, Schopenhauer and the Metaphysics of Suicide
https://doi.org/10.7213/1980-5934.30.049.AO02Palabras clave:
Asceticism. Schopenhauer. Suicide. Transcendental Ethics. Wittgenstein.Resumen
In this paper, I argue that the meaning of Wittgenstein’s remarks on suicide should be elucidated against the background of the transcendental picture that permeates Wittgenstein’s early writings. This picture is, in its essentials, Schopenhauer’s metaphysics of the Will. It is part of my purpose here to argue that the question of suicide such as Wittgenstein raises it, far from being a side issue, is internally related to problems concerning the ethical integration of Will and world, and the meaning of the world. As it will be seen, Wittgenstein manages to present a highly original view on the fundamental character of ethics that combines asceticism with an affirmative attitude to the world. Suicide would undermine ethics. As such, it stands for a nihilistic worldview.
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