Aligning Journal with Open Science
Aligning Journal with Open Science
To meet the Open Science Criteria, the Aurora Journal of Philosophy will meet the following criteria:
- The Aurora Journal of Philosophy accepts manuscripts that are available as preprints, except papers that are not unpublished or published elsewhere;
- The Aurora Journal of Philosophy recommends that authors deposit their research data in Open Repositories (SciELO Data, bioRxiv, Preprints, among others);
- The Aurora Journal of Philosophy also recommends that adjacent manuscript data (numerical data, computer application codes, documents, and other content) be submitted in the Other Annexes section so that they can be fully evaluated in the peer and blind review process;
- The Philosophy Journal will publish, in each issue:
1. the name of the editor in charge;
2. the list of the reviewers responsible for the manuscript evaluations - identified with their respective ORCID - as well as, when necessary and by common agreement, the opening of identities between the author and reviewers; and
3. the manuscript opinions. For this, authors and reviewers must accept the terms and conditions mentioned above.