The roots of human responsibility


  • Angela Michelis University of Turin, Italy



Starting from Hans Jonas’ works, this essay researches the bases of human responsibility and its reasoning is made up of four points. 1. He was aware of how his experience had influenced his thought and he questioned what means reflecting starting from extreme situations: «The apocalyptic state of things, the threatening collapse of a world, the climatic crisis of civilization, the proximity of death, the stark nakedness to which all the issues of life were stripped, all these were ground enough to take a new look at the very foundations of our being and to review the principles by which we guide our thinking on them». 2. Faced with these situations he rediscovered the richness of the Ancients’ thought. For example, the Stoics inherited and transformed the illuminating aspects of the theory that conceived of the ‘being’ as contemplation of the whole, which had permeated Greek natural philosophy and scientific speculation. They took it on as the capacity to identify one’s own most internal principle with the principle of the whole, in a more religious sense. The discovery in the whole of what is felt to be the highest and noblest in human beings – like reason, order, and form - makes our orientation towards a super-regulating end a liberating wisdom. 3. Jonas considers that starting from XVII century  the two aspects, here distinct as external and internal, remain at the core of the issue so far as the problem of freedom is concerned. Moreover, theoretical efforts now move in the direction of rendering, of discovering a conception of freedom which is logically compatible with causal determinism, while in the history of philosophy, the problem of freedom was not born in the sphere of logic. So it is necessary to rethink Modernity and how it is possible to found human freedom and responsibility nowadays.


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JONAS, H. Gnosis und spätantiker Geist. Teil 1: Die mythologische Gnosis. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1934.

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JONAS, H. Wissenschaft als persönliches Erlebnis. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1987.

JONAS, H. Mortality and Morality. A Search for the Good after Auschwitz, ed. and intr. by Lawrence Vogel, Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1996.

JONAS, H. ‘Wissenschaft’ as Personal Experience. In «Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal», trad. Engl. by Hunter Hannum and Hildegarde Hannum, v. 23, n. 1, 2001, pp. 3-19.

JONAS, H. Erinnerungen. Christian Wiese (ed.), intr. by Lore JONAS, Frankfurt a/M: Insel Verlag, 2003.

JONAS, H. Memoirs. Edited and annotated by Christian Wiese, translated from Germany by Krishna Winston, Waltham Massachusetts: Brandeis University Press, 2008.



How to Cite

Michelis, A. (2017). The roots of human responsibility. Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 29(46), 307–333.