From hypothesis to concept. Simondon, Deleuze and the pre-individual singularities




We propose to situate ourselves in the construction of the pre-individual, elaborated by Simondon in order to forge a new concept of individuation. This term remains explicitly equivocal between a conceptual and a hypothetical or operational status, which in a sense leaves it open to a very rich interpretative posterity. Towards the end of the 1960s, Gilles Deleuze, one of Simondon’s first readers, forges a true conceptual creation by forging the term "pre-individual singularities", which not only clarifies the determinations of Simondon’s proposal, but also transforms and extends it to the point of conferring it a decisive conceptual status. We will try to show that this concept becomes a royal road to show the complexities of the term in Simondonian thought, as well as an exceptional way to broaden its nature and dynamise its operation based on the pluralisation of the singularities that compose it.


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Author Biography

Cristobal Durán Rojas, Universidad de Talca, Chile

Cristóbal Durán es Doctor en Filosofía (Universidad de Chile). Investigador y académico del Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos, Universidad de Talca. Desde 2016 coordina el Núcleo de Teorías de las Multiplicidades. Actualmente dirige el proyecto ANID+FONDECYT Regular 2023 N° 1240968: “Hacia un pluralismo ecológico: La construcción del concepto de pluralismo en Gilles Deleuze como matriz de comprensión para una lógica inclusiva de la coexistencia”. Se dedica al pensamiento de Gilles Deleuze y campos afines a él, y en su investigación actual busca pensar el pluralismo a partir del concepto de variación continua, considerando sus incidencias metafísicas, estéticas y ecológicas. En 2024 publicará los siguientes libros, que se encuentran en prensa: Imágenes virales. El cine de David Cronenberg (Santiago, Metales Pesados), Polifonías: Jacques Derrida, la voz, la sorpresa (Buenos Aires, La cebra) y la edición de Conversaciones con Félix Guattari – Chile 1991 (Santiago, Frontera Interior).



How to Cite

Durán Rojas, C. (2024). From hypothesis to concept. Simondon, Deleuze and the pre-individual singularities: . Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 36, e202430941.



Simondon in Iberophony