On the modes of existence of computational objects





In this work, I attempt to recover the relevance of Simondon's philosophical approach to analyze computational technologies, highlighting the validity of those ideas formulated in a different technological context, trying at the same time to outline some divergences caused by the appearance of radical novelties in the technology itself. In this sense, our idea is to replicate Simondon's method or gesture to understand technical objects, listening to what they have to say, establishing a dialogue with them and trying to build a conceptual view that is faithful to their uniqueness. In the case of computers and computing, it is possible that we are no longer faced with (only) a new technical object, but rather their peculiarities turn them into something much more multifaceted and complex. Another objective of this investigation will be to evaluate this possibility.


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Author Biography

Javier Blanco, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

PhD em Informática pela Technische Universiteit Eindhoven



How to Cite

Blanco, J. (2024). On the modes of existence of computational objects. Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 36, e202430897. https://doi.org/10.1590/2965-1557.036.e202430897



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