The in-human: Attempt to transcend the human immanently




Thinking about the human nowadays requires an analysis of the epistemological and ontological legacy of modern humanism, whose founding postulates are still prevailing. The idea of ​​the human that is being handled in each specific socio-historical framework acts as a normative ideal, determining which bodies and subjectivities fit into the coordinates of intelligibility and which remain outside. This fact requires, first of all, to reveal, uncover, show the seams on which the various forms of modern humanism have woven the narratives that legitimise and naturalise the one-dimensional and discriminatory conceptions of the human. Likewise, a kind of post-foundation attempt will be presented with the aim of showing the intellectual path that could guide the objective of generating dynamic and open conceptions of the human. In short, subtractive thinking (immanent, post-evental, material, processual, sequential, relational, affirmative, creative) will be defended as a means to immanently transcend the human.


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Author Biography

Mikel Varela Pequeño, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)

Ph.D. em Filosofia pela University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU): Basque Country, Espanha



How to Cite

Varela Pequeño, M. (2024). The in-human: Attempt to transcend the human immanently . Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 36, e202430658.



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