For a philosophical history of ‘nosotros’ The Latin American perspectives of Juan Carlos Scannone and Ricardo Espinoza Lolas




This essay is a further contribution to the history of the idea of ‘We’ in philosophy. The perspectives of the two Latin American authors Juan Carlos Scannone and Riccardo Espinoza Lolas contribute to the reconstruction of a history of philosophy in a global sense that has the theme of nosostros at its centre. They are part of the same philosophical tradition, inscribed within the philosophy of liberation, but they interpret the question through contiguous but not directly overlapping characteristics. We are thus defining a modality of approach to the history of philosophy, of its ideas that through the disarticulation of the geo-textual places in which the pronoun nosostros becomes concept, idea, interpretative paradigm, goes on to outline some interpretative proposals for contemporaneity.


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Author Biography

Tommaso Sgarro, Università Telematica Pegaso Napoli

Tommaso Sgarro (San Giovanni Rotondo, FG, 1982) laureatosi in Filosofia presso l’Università degli studi di Bari “A. Moro”; Ph.D in Filosofia e Storia della filosofia presso l’Università degli studi di Bari.




How to Cite

Sgarro, T. (2024). For a philosophical history of ‘nosotros’ The Latin American perspectives of Juan Carlos Scannone and Ricardo Espinoza Lolas. Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 36, e202430637 .



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