Nihilism and Gnosticism: on fidelity to the earth in Nietzsche




In this article I discuss whether fidelity to the earth is an effective strategy for confronting nihilism in Nietzsche's work, as advocated by Jelson Oliveira. If dualism is at the basis of the morality of Iranian Zoroastrianism, Nietzsche's Zarathustra seeks to overcome this dualistic morality through an unrestricted affirmation of worldly life. However, when confronting Jelson’s affirmative proposal, we will show that the various currents of Gnosticism are based on ontological and anthropological dualism, but do not necessarily lead to a nihilistic, life-denying stance. Gnostic dualism can lead to a fruition of the world by not sticking to moral and social rules. The Gnostic scheme proper to Nietzsche’s thought, as expressed in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, consists of the dynamic tension between the opposite poles of affirmation and negation. Nietzsche’s solution is not satisfactory, for nihilism is not only a by-product of dualism, but a condition linked to the finitude of the human being.


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Author Biography

Clademir Luís Araldi, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Departamento de Filosofia UFPel

Filosofia alemã; Nietzsche



How to Cite

Araldi, C. L. (2023). Nihilism and Gnosticism: on fidelity to the earth in Nietzsche. Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 35.



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