Machinic Untimeliness I: Machine Becomings and Conceptual Machinations




The paper Machinic Untimeliness I: Machine Becomings and Conceptual Machinations aims to investigate the becomings of the concept of machine in Félix Guattari, with particular attention to the operation of constant transformation of its conceptual layers sedimented since the encounter with Gilles Deleuze. The collection of biographical, as well as analytical and conceptual elements regarding these conceptual transformations indicates the possibility of thinking the operation precisely in terms of the machination that Guattari, by machinating (with) Deleuze’s philosophy, leads on several levels. Among these levels, the paper focuses on 1) the machination of the Deleuzian concept of structure; 2) the machination of Nietzsche as developed in Nomadic Thought; 3) the passage from Anti-Oedipus’ desiring machines and schizoanalysis to assemblages and micropolitics. While presenting itself as an independent paper, it is also the first part of a more general work on the conceptual, ontological, techno-logical and political ecological status of Guattarian machines. The second part, Machinic Untimeliness II: Writing, Assemblages, Ontologies and Techno-politics, is written by another author and presented jointly with this article not as a simple linear continuation, but as a perspectival integration, with a particular focus on machinic ontology and its relationship with ecology and politics.


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Author Biography

Paolo Vignola, Pontificia Università Antonianum

PhD em Filosofia pela Università degli Studi di Genova




How to Cite

Vignola, P. (2024). Machinic Untimeliness I: Machine Becomings and Conceptual Machinations. Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 36, e202430364.



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